Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Lots of Little People Time

Breakfast with Buddies!

Our swim lessons lined up with Alyssa's crew this week and Anne's crew next week! 
Alyssa and I have ran around after the little lessons which is nice to have something fun to do with the girls while we wait on N and C to be done. 

One day this week in between classes we spent time at Happy Hollow with the lovely Erin to say bye to her and her children. She is wonderful and has been so helpful with co-op this year and I will miss her. They are off on another military journey again. 


This one made me laugh until I cried. We must be slap happy around here from lack of sleep. Bella went to get something out of the trunk and got stuck. Cecily was attempting to save her. Coraline and I were just watching and laughing our heads off! 

One day while waiting we went to Dog N Suds for a traditional once a year treat. Mini Root Beers and Corn Dogs.

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