Friday, June 2, 2023

It's A.......


Baby Number SIX is a GIRL!

We had our standard ultrasound today and we will know all the results next week but for now we know its another Evans girl. 

Levi and I went alone while Clairana and Nephi held down the fort at home. 

When we got home I had Cecily dig through a bag that I placed a few pink onesies in to share the surprise. 
Everyone was excited but I do think Clairana and Cecily were the most excited. 

Nephi responded with excitement and let me know we can just have another one someday and maybe it would be a boy. 

Clairana made this adorable hat from the yarn she got for her birthday. She laid it on my bedside table to see when I got home late from mama's book club. It is perfect. 

 As soon as I told the kids Cecily ran upstairs to my drawer and pulled out these two sweet pieces I had been keeping and said she is ready! 

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