Thursday, June 29, 2023

Nephi and Oliver

Nephi and Oliver - Spending summer swimming in the pond and riding all over.
We laugh because the Clayton family is just the opposite of ours - all boys and one girl. 


Clairana - Girls Camp Bust.

Post Girls Camp.

Clairana made it two days at camp and then I had to go get her. She had a hard hypoglycemic attack that took days to recover from. We were in the process of getting her a new bed when her leaders called to let me know so she came home to sleep on the couch. 

Cecily isn't sick she just wanted to be loving and fell asleep there too.

Such a bummer. 


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Marley Visit!

 Cousin Marley Visit!

 Nephi helping her get ready for a ride.

Everyone together! We only got to squeeze in a short visit but it was so nice to see her and I wish I would have gotten a picture with her mama! Some day we hope to go venture out to Maine and visit them and enjoy time on their beautiful boat. 


Last Year - Florida

Levi found these on his phone and I didn't post them last year so here is a throwback to our Florida trip over Christmas break.


Lots of Little People Time

Breakfast with Buddies!

Our swim lessons lined up with Alyssa's crew this week and Anne's crew next week! 
Alyssa and I have ran around after the little lessons which is nice to have something fun to do with the girls while we wait on N and C to be done. 

One day this week in between classes we spent time at Happy Hollow with the lovely Erin to say bye to her and her children. She is wonderful and has been so helpful with co-op this year and I will miss her. They are off on another military journey again. 


This one made me laugh until I cried. We must be slap happy around here from lack of sleep. Bella went to get something out of the trunk and got stuck. Cecily was attempting to save her. Coraline and I were just watching and laughing our heads off! 

One day while waiting we went to Dog N Suds for a traditional once a year treat. Mini Root Beers and Corn Dogs.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Pinewood Derby

We went with friends to watch Carson race in the real life Pine Wood Derby! We had never seen this before but it seems to be quite the deal on campus. It was a fun experience. 
To top it off Carson won!

 Finish Line

 Klairr and Clair

The Wharton family is lovely and they homeschool as well so we get to squeeze in fun playdates throughout the school year.


Kittens and Cats Everywhere.


I am instructed often to take lots of kitten and cat pictures.

This is the newest addition - Cinnamon Roll. Cousin Marley came to visit and while she was here fell in love with a cat that she couldn't take with her back to Maine so she asked us if we would love it for her.  After a few days of making her chicken for breakfast she has taken to liking us and stays around the farm with the others.

They are all outside but the kitten definitely seems to sneak in the house often with Cecily.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Kayaking with Levi

Coraline and Cabella's kayaking week!
Levi has been rotating who goes kayaking down the creek on Sunday afternoons. This week Cecily and I dropped them off so I took a couple pictures before we headed back home. 
The brought the double and a single so the girls could trade off as they got tired. 
They had a great time and it took about 2.5 hours. 


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Swimming Lessons

 Swimming! It has been busy around here loading up every morning to have lessons and drop C & N off for the day at lifeguard training. 

Clairana and Nephi are signed up for another training but they let us know yesterday that instead of training next week they would like them to come work at the pool as lifeguards! They let us know that depending on what they do they will make between $15-$18 dollars an hour. 

They both passed and are now certified with the American Red Cross for two years. 

The little girls did great as well - Coraline and Cabella are moving up to another lesson and Cecily will stay at her same level for another year. We will be there next week as well. 

 Nephi and Clairana taught Cecily's class one day and she loved all the attention.

 Clairana and Nephi in their lifeguarding class. 

 At the end of the program they had to present what they had learned throughout the program and then show us a few different rescue methods. 

 Running the hill!


Practice Rescue
 Nephi on duty.


 Coraline's class - she is on the end.


Adventure Group - Creek Day

We had a few families over for adventure group! We had such a great time and everyone lasted for hours even though it was naptime for all the little ones. The weather was perfect because it wasn't too hot. 

We got the campsite all ready to go and I asked Nephi to run down and put some signs out so everyone could drive down there....he did and came back to get the rest of us and by the time we got back down to the lane a huge tree had fallen. We all had to hike over a tree and park a little ways away but it turned out lovely. 

 The lovely tree that decided it looked to nice driving down to the campsite.....



 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...