Thursday, July 21, 2022


 I let Coraline sleep with the last kitten before it headed off to its new home the next day. 

All of the kittens have new homes now. It was bittersweet for the whole family but amazingly enough we only gave away one to a family we didn't know and by the looks of their cat carrier it was going to be wonderful. 

We did decide to get two of our mamas spayed and leave one for another round of kittens. I am amazed at how smitten everyone is to kittens and it is like a babysitter for the toddler! 
Levi and I would catch ourselves in the cat barn just watching them after all the kids were in bed. 

This was squoosh face. Last one to go. We really wanted to keep her - she was the only long hair, but Levi's boss asked for her, so we let her go live with them. 


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...