Sunday, July 31, 2022

Greased Watermelon

This year Clairana and Nephi both participated in the Greased Watermelon contest. It was loads of fun. The energy is so exciting. Kids race with a greased watermelon through the obstacle course. 
The sheep barn has won for several years so of course they are the team to beat. 
The mini 4hers run the course too but the older kids pick up the obstacles which is so sweet. 
Coraline and Cabella decided not to do it this year - when I went to sign them up there was TONS of kids, so I think they felt overwhelmed after showing and spending all day at the fair. 
This happens on the last night of fair. 
I didn't take a picture, but Clairana and Nephi made shirts with the goat barn that was camo and said G.O.A.T

I feel like this year we jumped even further into fair which made it more crazy and more fun. 


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...