Sunday, July 31, 2022

Pie Contest!

The youngest got a slice of pie and everyone else got a whole pie. No one won from our family - we weren't even close. People take this contest serious. 

Coraline was a little nervous....and we thought she was going to puke in her pie during the contest. I don't know if she will volunteer next year....


 Cabella and Cecily were the youngest and oldest in their class. Cecily was SO mad when they took hers away after the two minutes. 

 Clairana and Nephi.



We worked the beef tent again this year with our favorites - they donate money to our group that makes us not have to raise any other funds throughout the year! 
Sunshiners group. 

 Making Hoagie Sandwiches.

Corn. Coraline and Bella begged for this every day. Cecily in true three year old 'funny' fashion.

 Littlest 4Hers

Uncle Tanner came one night to walk around with us. 

 They fed us afterwards which was a HUGE hit.

 Our Primary President came to see the kids show and entertained the little girls. 

 The Dale family came too. Clairana with Maddie. Maddie won the buckle again this year with her pony. AMAZING.

 One random sweaty day. 

 I took our little extra love to fair to feed the animals. We all love her so much. Every day at least one kid will wake up and ask me if it is Tatum's day today!? 

 Uncle Tanner! And $500 in fair least it felt like it. 

 Worster family dropped by too!

 Nephi showing Coraline's doeling.

 Clairana showing. 


Grandpa Rick with Coraline and Cecily.

 Cecily and her favorite. Mamaw. 

 Clairana and Starfire - Cabella's doeling.

 Nephi with Eclipse

 Bella getting lots of love.

 Grandpa Troy and Linda with the olders. 


More Fair

One day I let them walk around and check out the booths - this was the drunk goggles. It was a good lesson for the kids, and I even tried them on. The police officer said she felt uncomfortable putting them on Cecily, but Cecily insisted. The kids would then try to walk a line and throw a ball. 

 Bella picked to ride the swings this year. Each kid got to pick two rides - they were crazy expensive. 

That is Levi with Cecily. 

Cecily all by herself on the bus. 

 Bella did one little ride with Cecily and one big ride with N & C. Coraline only did the bumper cars and then decided she would rather have cotton candy then ride any more rides. 

 Walking into the show ring!

Cotton Candy!

 Bella being too brave for me with Clairana and Nephi. 


Farm Call

I was called by our sweet friends down the road to see if I had any advice on their mama that was in labor but the babies (what we thought w...