Thursday, February 3, 2022

Christmas Card Catch-Up

It is snowing outside and we are stuck at home which is lovely. 
I have attempted to organize our playroom and my office. So...I finally am getting around to posting all our Christmas photo cards. I actually didn't send out one this past year so I need to be better this year! You always seem to get more when you send them out. Which I completely understand.  
I am always so thankful for all the friends and family across the states that send us pictures of their growing families! 

Asay Family (Indiana) Jensen Family (Washington)

Hargitt Family (Arizona although met in Indiana) 
VanderJagt Family (RVing all over) 

Connolly Family (Indiana & Washington)
Neulieb Family (Indiana)

DeMent Family (Washington)
Rice Family (Indiana)

Bowles (Washington although met in AZ)
Cosler (Washington)
Chadbourne Family (Indiana)

Jenkins Family (Tennessee)
Griffiths Family (Maryland)


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