Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Smudge Sticks

Smudge Sticks. 

It was on my list this year to make and discuss smudge sticks with the kids - this year in Classical Conversations our focus is U.S. History so this fit in so well with the Native American lessons. 

I sent out a message to our homeschooling families to see if anyone wanted to join us. I had plenty of herbs in the garden to share. 

It was such a fun day and the weather was perfect. 

Native Americans used feathers or their hands and wave the smoke from the sticks over certain areas or parts of the body while saying a prayer.  Mostly used before or after a significant event. 

White sage is the most popular herb that is used. 

We used. Rose petals, Lavender, Cedar, and Sage 

The kids gathered fresh herbs and will light them at home in about a month. 

Rose petals - Associated with the Greek Goddess meaning to receive and attract love and beauty.

Lavender - happiness, healing, cleansing, brings blessings

Cedar - purifies the air (studies have shown that burning cedar purifies the air by 94% for 24  hours) they also say this improves the skill of which the smoke is over - eyes, ears, mouth.

Sage - drives out negative spirits and thoughts. 

I didn't get too deep into the lesson just a basic overview of what they did and why and then we made them. 


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