Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Later post due to life but Levi took an extra day off over the holiday weekend and we went to Pennsylvania! Here is part two of our trip. We went to stay with Grandma Moni and Ken. 
It was AMAZING. They treated us to so much which was so wonderful. 

We went to an outdoor zoo and then to a drive through zoo. 
We swam and swam and swam....
We will have to beg to go back next summer it was so much fun. 

More pictures to come when I get Levi's phone. 

(Symone was married to my birth dad, Troy, for several years when I was growing up. 
I met her when I was eight and she was such a great part of my life) 
When her and my dad got divorced, we stayed in touch. She makes an effort to be part of all our littles lives and I am so grateful for that. 

When people first meet me and hear how crazy my family tree is they at first are overwhelmed to keep track but it usually ends with everyone saying how amazing it is I have such great relationships with some of these 'extras' I got as a child. 
Although, I never promote divorce and actually I am a big advocate for marriage because I know my situation is different than most. 
I was blessed with amazing step parents and I love them all very much. 

I looked at adding one of these cows to our farm about a year ago, they are too expensive though but it was neat to see one in person! 

They bought us extra tickets to feed everything. 

We took the little girls in our car and Clairana and Nephi rode with them through the zoo. 
It was exciting and scary all at the same time. Good thing Levi was the brave one in our car.

Clairana and Nephi in Ken's truck.

This is their beautiful home in Pennsylvania.

And in true Grandma Moni fashion it had a perfect pool! 

Symone gave me overalls! So Fun! Matching!

Cecily and I out front by the fountain. 
Pizza and Dance Party!

Singing a song Aunt Woody taught them. Its about taking your horse....

Helping Ken tend the pool cover - he was so very sweet to our family. 
We all enjoyed getting to know him better.


The kids even got to all pick out something from the zoo gift shop! 
Cecily loves her sloth.

Symone took this one on our way out after a day of fun. 


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