Monday, October 5, 2020

Our CC Week

This upcoming week is break week so we have went to CC for six weeks now! 

This is Coraline's class learning about skin and doing an experiment with sandpaper, soap, and chalk. 

Nephi and Jeremy 
learning to play Yankee Doodle on the Tin Whistle. 

Clairana's Class. 

Levi meeting us for lunch and playing on the playground with the kids. 

I was teaching them to write music. 

We did performances for all the classes before lunch.
Teaching 4 - 6 year old children how to play music together is rough. 

 Bella drawing a Treble Clef. 
The Essential Classes! They hit their goal of memorizing charts and had cupcakes to celebrate. 
I am on the far side loading things up from my class and Clairana was holding Cecily. 
I love that someone snapped this one. 


This was our last week of Tin Whistle. 

Clairana taught her class how to make snowflakes this week as her presentation. 

Nephi presentation time - I have to be honest and say I can't remember what he did it on. 

Play Time in the Gym. 

Playing Outside. 

Clairana's Essential Papers. I am so proud of how much we have both already grown this year.

Cecily in Nursery. Her room is right acrossed from mine so it is easy to peek and see how she is doing. Plus this lovely lady is such a blessing. She is the grandmother of one of our favorite families. 

Diagramming Sentences! 


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