Monday, July 27, 2020

More Goats - Alpines

When the pandemic first started I ordered extra chickens and decided to make the plunge and get 'real' goats. I had been wanting to get a Nubian or an Apline doe to milk mostly because the dwarfs are great and we enjoy them so much but they are hard to milk because of their size. 
I will keep the dwarfs because their babies are really easy to sell each year and I think it would be a good little business for Clairana or Nephi in the upcoming years.  

Now we have Sampson our new buckling and Starburst our new registered Apline pair. 
We drove to Illinois a few weeks ago to pick him up and the farm was beautiful and all the animals were so well tended with beautiful colors. I settled on Alpines because they are less noisy and hardier than the Nubians. Although this farm had both so who knows maybe someday. 
Does typically have quads (both our buckling and doeling are from 4) and produce around 2 gallons a day. 

We all are VERY excited to start milking. 
Jack and Jane gave us a beautiful butter churn that I am planning to try out in two weeks when the dwarf babies leave the farm. 

Sire on the left and brother from last year on the right. 

Pictures don't capture it but his father was huge and so friendly!

Their family has lived on this farm for five generations. 

Here he is. We got home late so this is the best picture I have so far. More to come I am sure. 

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