Thursday, July 23, 2020

Around the House

Levi has been working on the restaurant pretty constant even when he is home he is on his phone or looking up some plans and he has reached the point of no longer sleeping which is a typical GM lifestyle.... soon enough it will be over. Oh the roller coaster life of construction projects. 
At least we don't have to worry about moving somewhere new when the project ends!

So.... we have been enjoying a few trips to the library now. It is SO nice for my littles to be able to see the books - picking them out online is harder for them and it takes a long time for them to make it over to our closest library. 

Although! We loaded up today and put our masks on ( the kids have gotten so good about wearing them even Bella leaves her on - I think they are so grateful to go somewhere they don't mind at all) and I put Cecily on my back and we got lots of enjoyment out of our trip. 

Coraline got almost every book about cats that they had. 
Nephi - Mostly planes and bugs
Clairana - Graphic novels and books on Egypt and Turkey and who knows what else that girl enjoys learning anything. 
Bella - Princess and Animal books
Cecily - she got whatever board book Bella thought she needed

I also got loads of books that I had placed on hold. It is a yearly time were I ask all the other mamas in our bookclub to give me their recommendations for the year and this time I managed to get almost all of them either at the library or we already owned them. Next week we will decided on what books we will dive into with the kids for another year of bookclubing. It is crazy we are already on year three of this magical monthly event. It has to be my favorite thing. 

Our garden has been a dream this year. We didn't even really pick out anything particular at the nursery when we went (mostly because it was our first outing and it was during a time when we were all very nervous still so we just threw anything in our basket that they had)

Everyone has been helping this year which makes a huge difference. Also, we laid down this black blanket which made weed pulling much better. The kids now can tell where the real plant is! 
We have gotten - loads of tomatoes, corn, yellow squash, zucchini, beans, yellow peppers, jalapenos,berries, popcorn, onions, cucumbers and I am sure something else I can't remember right now. 

This is truly the first time a garden has really paid off in the grocery bill budget. I have been able to stretch our grocery trips out just by having extra vegetables to eat. 
It has been nice seems most times homeschooling is not the cheapest route to go. 

Look at this beautiful place we get to call home. I just love it here.
I remember living in Arizona and seeing pictures from  home (Indiana) and feeling like they had filters or were fake because of the color crazy how you get used to the desert but nope that is truly what it looks like.

Now don't get me wrong, I do LOVE Arizona but Indiana will always be home. 

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