Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Bookclub AGAIN!

We decided to host an outside/creekside bookclub today.
We missed one of our families but hopefully soon we can all be together again.
Our last bookclub was at the beginning of March. .
Missing our monthly event has made us appreciate it so much more. 
We also looked through all the books to make a decision for our upcoming year. 

We played at the creek which is walking distance from our backyard. Levi nicely mowed us a path to walk back to. 
We did a combo of two books for this month - we have been meeting on Zoom but in person was so much better. 

Because we never get pictures of the mamas!

Hike back to the beach!

Soft Shell Turtle!

All the books to choose the gems for next year!

LOVED this book. So fun for all of us. Adventures of two boys and of course a sweet girl shows up in the story. One of our all time favorites.  

Sweet turned fun read. 4 girls who rent out a cottage by pulling the dandelions and then a naughty girl comes into the picture. It was a short read but had some real life lessons that we got to talk out about people and their decisions. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

More Goats - Alpines

When the pandemic first started I ordered extra chickens and decided to make the plunge and get 'real' goats. I had been wanting to get a Nubian or an Apline doe to milk mostly because the dwarfs are great and we enjoy them so much but they are hard to milk because of their size. 
I will keep the dwarfs because their babies are really easy to sell each year and I think it would be a good little business for Clairana or Nephi in the upcoming years.  

Now we have Sampson our new buckling and Starburst our new registered Apline pair. 
We drove to Illinois a few weeks ago to pick him up and the farm was beautiful and all the animals were so well tended with beautiful colors. I settled on Alpines because they are less noisy and hardier than the Nubians. Although this farm had both so who knows maybe someday. 
Does typically have quads (both our buckling and doeling are from 4) and produce around 2 gallons a day. 

We all are VERY excited to start milking. 
Jack and Jane gave us a beautiful butter churn that I am planning to try out in two weeks when the dwarf babies leave the farm. 

Sire on the left and brother from last year on the right. 

Pictures don't capture it but his father was huge and so friendly!

Their family has lived on this farm for five generations. 

Here he is. We got home late so this is the best picture I have so far. More to come I am sure. 

Aunt Woody Visit

Aunt Woody (Clairana) came to visit us a few weeks ago before she headed out of a trip to see her grand daughter. 

She so sweetly offered to watch the crew while Levi and I went on a date when she returned but we decided to decline because she had just been on a trip but we were so grateful she asked! 

Normally, we would have been over the moon for a date night. 
Dang Corona virus. Too many decisions to make. 

Eye Appointments for All.

I called our homeschooling friends a month or so ago and asked if we could be seen all in the same day and we also got the best service of not having anyone else in the building while we were there. 
Just us and Dr.Strickler who is a father to six so of course he was great with the kids.

We got all seven of us seen which is so great. 
Everyone had fun trying on glasses and although we are still watching Coraline's eyes no one needed glasses just yet. 

I went last which ended up being for the best. Levi ended up taking the kids to the car because my test showed that I have retinal detachment. 
So.... I go back for further testing in October and to make a surgery plan. 
The recovery time said 6-8 weeks. Ukk.
We will see what happens and for now I just have to document my floaters and streaks that I see. 

I wasn't going to put Cecily's mask on her but she was yelling at us that she wanted hers too. 

Art Tablets for All! I dug out all my goodies that I use on Sundays at church and let them us them seems we haven't opened that bag since March. 

Everyone got to try on two pairs. THANKFULLY Clairana does not need glasses because her choices would not have been good. Harry Potter Wannabe. 

Of course when we get home Bella insist on trying her 'real' pair on. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Service Project/CC

Last Saturday, was our first time being in a building with other people! 

It felt strange to the kids and I but we all enjoyed it so much. 
We went to paint our new coop building for next year with two other families. 

We are moving mostly due to a bigger location but our family does get the added bonus of it being closer to our house. Which will work out very nicely seems Levi is going to be taking everyone home on Thursday afternoons so I can enjoy time/class with Clairana. 

We will have the whole building to ourselves which is SO NICE. Especially during these crazy times. The gym is huge and we will do open assembly and lunch in there. 
We painted for about 4 hours. 

With so many decisions and opinions I am so glad that we can keep our same structure that we have had for years and enjoy our small size classrooms once a week. 
Time out for relationships and germ exposure but still makes me feel so safe. 

The Sanding Crew

This will be Clairana's new classroom. 

Midpoint - we didn't finish so we will have another service day because the walls were brick which took some time. 

This will be the classroom that I tutor in with Coraline and Cabella and it is right next to the bathroom and the nursery which will be perfect to have all the little people on one side of the building. All the other classrooms are upstairs so it is easier for the younger kids. 

This is where Cecily will be in the nursery. 


Papaw encouraged Clairana and Nephi to check out a lesson video online so we brought the piano downstairs for practice time. Right after they finished the videos everyone wanted to join in so Clairana gave a couple lessons to Coraline. 

Sorting out the soccer wardrobes. 

Clairana got a sewing machine for her birthday so we have been all learning together how to sew. 
We are on a project to make about 100 new napkins so we will see how long that takes us. I am excited to try out making aprons soon. I added sewing to our homeschooling week for next year and honestly I think everyone is really excited to create. 

New soccer balls came in the mail! 

Just spending time together. 

Coraline reading to Bella. 
Napkin Making....

Projects & Soccer

This has been our evening life. It is so beautiful and I love it so much. We went from vinyl siding to cement fiber board with a stucco finish and burnt cedar trim. 

I am also ready to give up my 'cut man' title any day now. 

Levi and I always have the same memory about me trying to cut his hair right after Clairana was born and we both ended up being overwhelmed and saying how are we ever going to get something done with a baby. 

Now look - lets move 17 times and flip some houses in between and then reside our forever home. 
I think we are getting better at managing with little people under foot. 

Classy picture from Nephi - I was so happy to be done staining!

    One of the many places we try to corral Cecily while we work. 

Burning the midnight oil......

We do break for fun - Levi and I are both coaching different teams this year so we are all getting lessons in the evening. I am excited and anxious and trying to read up and I am sure over prepare for the my little 5-6 year old team. 

Seems the same every time we have a newbie they always want a ball and cleats too. 

We got this unicorn sprinkler for Bella's birthday and I am amazed it is still going strong. 

Nephi came out and shared with us that he used Levi's tools and made a birdhouse. 
It is amazing to me what kids can do with free time to create.