Sunday, December 1, 2019

Random Life

Cecily and I teaching ASL to a group of kiddos at our Coop. 


Clairana had her first official drop off for the day playdate and the mama sent me this photo. Normally, either we all go to an event together or she and Nephi get invited but here she went all alone. She was nervous and very excited. 

Aunt Ashli got her new pajamas. 

Reading a book at coop ( All of our photos from our Classical Conversations days look the same because we purposely wear the same outfits with our CC shirts)
We do have a nursery but Cecily is not too fond of it and I feel bad for the others if she is fussy. 

Cecily at Homeschool Gym
Bella in the background. 

Here is a great picture of Zona and her life here in the Evans' house. 

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