Monday, December 23, 2019

Cecily Edithe - Stats

I am overdue to post about Cecily and her check up information.


Weight - 18 lbs 6.2 oz (24th percentile)
Height - 29.25" (41st percentile)
BMI - 15.11 (20th percentile)

She is napping once a day and getting up once or twice a night but she is in the little girl's room now. I can only wait to listen through the wall and hear all the talking that will commence in that room one day soon. 
She is still nursing and struggles with eating solids but getting better every month so maybe she is just slower at adjusting to the texture of food. She enjoys food LOTS but chokes so often. 
Most say (pediatricians included) we should just let her adjust but who likes to choke? Nope. It is too much for my mama heart and I am sure she doesn't appreciate throwing up/choking either.   

On Sunday, Levi was on the stand during church and she would stand on my lap and point to him and yell Dada and get super excited. She definitely gets so excited when he is around. 

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