Friday, December 27, 2019


 Merry Christmas 2019!

Christmas Eve was spent at mom and Randy's with the traditional ham and hard rolls.
Then Christmas day we were home all day enjoying our new things and resting.
I love having no place to go on Christmas it makes the day even more magical.

The kids had a scavenger hunt to find their big gift from Santa.

Elfie left a goodbye note in the bathroom and a snowflake made out of toiler paper. 

Made Peanut Butter Cookies for Santa and then they wanted him to have something healthy too.
Clairana made the card. So Sweet. 

This year Levi and I said how great it is that they can work together and read instructions and put things together themselves. It is a game changer for sure!

Coraline Lee

Cabella Lou

We drew names on Thanksgiving to see who would buy for who within our house.

This will be a tradition that we keep up. The kids LOVED it. It was the first present they wanted to open on Christmas morning.

Funny note - Nephi got Coraline the same present that Levi got for Bella - Spirit Horse and Rider.

Family gift exchange!

Clairana got Nephi a robot.
Levi and I took them to the store and split up and set a dollar limit and everyone was off! 

Levi took this one as I was passing out presents - to make sure some where opened together.
He jokingly said in case you aren't in anymore pictures today....he was right. This is it. 

We got the kids tickets to see Alice in Wonderland and I got the classic graphic novel to read to them beforehand. 

Scavenger Hunt! Clue ONE.

The weather was PERFECT. It was 60 degrees on Christmas and the day after. 

In the Chicken Coop they found gloves and goggles. 

2nd CLUE!

HELMETS in the Hay Barn.


I said to Levi as we walked out - they have no fear of going to the bee hive. They all ran right up and grabbed the clue.


This one said go find me behind the gator.

Big Reveal!

Little girls found theirs first then it had a note to find the bigger one. 

This one is the scariest driver. Mostly, when someone else is driving as well. She wants to chat with everyone and not look where she is going. 

More pictures soon but Cecily has been up all night and I need to get moving on our day. 

Levi built them a track in the field so I can watch everyone clearly to make sure all are safe. 

Let the 2020 memories begin! 

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