Monday, December 16, 2019

Bishopric Life

This past week has been so EMOTIONAL. 

We were super busy with church and CC then when all that ended the heater in our suburban went out on Wednesday (no big deal except the price tag.....we are home bound mostly now and the dealership got us in right away and everyone seemed to enjoy riding around with lots of blankets)

 Levi had his best friend/coworker bring him home on Thursday night so we could drop off the suburban to be repaired. The kids and I just planned to stay home for the next couple days.....

We ate dinner with Damon as planned and enjoyed our evening then our whole life changed. 

I had asked to get my temple recommend renewed with the church a couple of weeks ago and we have to meet with our local bishopric to be interviewed and then with the stake presidency to be approved. I have not been to temple in longer than I would like to admit. 
Mostly, due to children and frankly life excuses but I had lately been feeling a push to go so I wanted to make it a priority for myself this holiday season and enjoy time at the temple alone. 

Mostly, it is a list of questions that you have to answer to be worthy enough to go into the temple.

Examples - do you pay a full tithe, do you sustain leaders of the church, do you have a testimony of Jesus Christ and a couple more. 

The Stake Presidency called and said I could come in on Thursday night to get my temple recommend renewed and also if I would bring the whole family. 
.......... it was a long car ride for Levi and I wondering what was about to happen......

We arrived and they renewed my temple recommend and with that told us that the ward boundaries were changing due to creating a new ward and we would now be meeting in another building with some of the same people but also lots of people from other wards. I put my head down and started to sob. 

Our church life is so very important to us and to our children. Their friendships, my friendships, our callings....all my activity day girls each week. 

But. I was there with all my children who were listening very closely as President Horton explained what was happening.... We have been part of boundary changes before and that time in our life was really hard but my babies were toddlers. Now, I have older children who would not see friends twice a week. 


I had to be their cheerleader, so I wiped my tears and raised my head and tried to be chipper in explaining they would have new and old friends now and how we used to meet in this building when Clairana and Nephi were little. 
I also held on to one strong hope that our great friends the Goodsells would be in our new ward (which they are not with us each week now.) 

Then..... President Horton said he has prayed with several other leaders of the church and feels confident by his personal revelation that he wanted to extend a calling to Levi. He would like him to be in the new ward bishopric. Levi turned white and stopped talking. 
We both quickly questioned our worthiness as a family to be in this position and the time and effort it would be for our young family. We questioned if I could do church every week with everyone while he sat on the stand and attended meetings..... 
It was silent for quite some time. President Horton kept talking but Levi and I were not understanding the details at this point.  

I was a mess of crying and blurted out "YES. OF COURSE HE CAN -WE CAN!"
Then we all looked at Levi..... He Accepted. 
I am SO EXCITED for the blessings to come to our family and for us to be a better household even more full of the spirit. We need to be better and this is such a strong push for us to be. 

Our new ward is called Prophetstown Ward and Levi will be 2nd counselor under the Bishop. 
Also, the Goodsells are in our new ward so the kids will have close friends starting next Sunday. 
We will no longer be in the same ward as Levi's parents so we will miss seeing them. 

On Sunday, the stake gathered together to hear the news and all put their arm to the square to sustain this man. I am so grateful he is mine and for all the blessings his service will bring our family. 

Now to get to Work. We have a new ward to organize and fellowship. 

I have prayed and joked that this would happen to our family someday and here we are. 

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