Saturday, November 16, 2019

You Who? Jankovic

Why You Matter and How To Deal With It. 
Rachel Jankovic 

**Long post mostly for my own reference and to share with my children one day.
Not meant to be controversial to anyone.  

I have not read much on philosophers but this book did open my eyes to different angles and nuances on existentialism, what they all have in common is this idea that existence precedes essence. 

The importance of you is entirely up to you. 
The real meaning in your life is only what you make it. BUT as you can see this belief system specifically rejects God the Father. 

Sartre says - "Even if He is real, He has nothing to do with all of this that's around us."

Existentialist thinking had pervaded our culture. 
You can be whatever you want to be. If you set your mind to it, you can be it. You are the only one who can decide what you are. 
You are a powerful woman if you want to be a powerful woman. Believe that you are beautiful and you will be beautiful. 

These are Sartre's ideas, no longer on the runway, but in the clearance bins of the big box store being purchased everywhere by women who feel needy. 

Sartre's had one bad trip on mescaline that left him thinking he was being followed by crabs (literally) for years. 

We are NOT the author of our life but rather the character. You cannot, as a character, out write the Author of you. 

He truly bought you with His blood, he did not do so in order to get a sponsorship position in your life. 

Bumper-stickers on the backside of our life and one of them is about Jesus but the others are "All about Essential Oils" "Show Poodles Forever" If our own little interests are the same size in our life as our Savior and our God, there are only two possibilities. One is that your Savior is becoming rather tiny - as insignificant as any other news about you. The other option is that fashion or show poodles or oils is rising to idolatrous levels in your life. 

  • Soft Teaching makes Hard Hearts and Hard Teaching makes Soft Hearts
  • Christians must learn to look beyond the surface and evaluate the belief at its core.
  • Regular Honest People buy unbelievably foolish philosophy, but they buy it toned down and in the clearance bins. We don't recognize it right away. 
  • We might be cheated out of an understanding of our purpose and the value of life if we listen to the smooth words. 
  • At the end of the day we aren't merely mortal, but eternal beings
  • We are hungry for meaning and our rational thoughts are not enough to satisfy us. 
  • Chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. 
  • Live for His glory and He will lift up your head. 
  • Obedience - Stepping stones for God's purposes.
  • We cannot be moved by little distractions like our own emotions
  • We have all the answers already because we have Christ. 
  • There is more here to find out than you can absorb in a lifetime. 
  • Stop thinking of our feelings as insights. Our feelings are instead something that we need to manage. 
  • Your feelings tell lies, deal with it. 
  • God gave Christ to you.
  • You aren't stuck you are going the wrong way!
  • Resurrection is not a happy ending only for Christ. 
  • You cannot have the death of Christ for your sins and then continue to live in them and value them. 

The fact that you still STRUGGLE with selfishness and sin and valuing your own will over obedience is not a sign that you have not been saved; it is a sign that you HAVE been SAVED. 

People who do something monumental for the kingdom usually do it because it was simply the next step in the path they had been walking along faithfully for some time. He who is faithful with a little will be faithful with much. 

*If I was to have told myself 10 years ago, Levi and I would have five children by 2018, I would have thought this was complete non sense but now look.... We didn't just wake up and have five children, but we simply took the next step in our path and here we are. 

You are no longer the author of your own identities, but rather you live in the Author and He lives in you. 

We don't have to set out to change the world. We set out to obey the Lord, and even the simplest actions can leave glorious marks of obedience forever. 

Did you Know....

Ignaz Semmelweis a Hungarian doctor in the 1840s, who first proposed that doctors washing their hands between dealing with cadavers and delivering babies would cut down on maternal deaths. At the time, everyone laughed at his theories.

Cadavers = Corpse. Dead Body. 

May I always remember to teach my children not only that Adolf Hitler took the lives of over 6 million Jews; but also HOW did this ONE man who was a rejected art student who dropped out of public school BRAINWASH such a large portion of this world into being behind his motive to do so.

“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke 

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