Monday, November 18, 2019

Yearly Deer Season

This weekend was opening deer season and Levi actually had to work on Saturday (which he may have been really grouchy about) - but we all got up early (because no one sleeps in anymore with the time change) and we spotted one from the front window and Levi ran out! 

We all watched from the kitchen table as Levi got one. 
I always try to watch with the binoculars to make sure to know where they run to but this one dropped so it was really easy. 

Then once he got home we all got our yearly anatomy lesson. 
It is amazing to me how kids are not grossed out or nervous as long as we don't have an adult over that makes a fuss. 

Then we butchered as a family today. We of course all tried to help Levi but this year Clairana and Nephi got to cut which was a huge help. Coraline and Bella did the grinder. 
Cecily ate all the snacks and we all attempted to keep her happy.

Two small casualties. 
Nephi from the grinder - trying to move along the process too fast and Coraline wanted to test out the knifes during break time. 
Lessons are always Learned. 

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