Monday, November 4, 2019

Shedds Aquarium!

We headed to Chicago to the Shedd's aquarium to celebrate Cecily's FIRST birthday with an adventure. 

Levi's grandparents also came over this week before they left for Florida and we did Christmas with them - which worked out perfectly because everyone had new sweaters and hats to wear and the kids got to spend their money they got at the aquarium. 

We got to touch starfish and stingrays! 

They also have a day in the life of a trainer which would be a pretty AMAZING gift someday. 

For the past few birthdays in our house Levi and I have chosen to spend the money on an family adventure/memory rather than hosting a party. Especially because we have some amazing family that always remember and always bring gifts over for the littles.

Birthdays are so important to little people and it means so much that they are remembered by loved ones. This also has been a disappointing scene that we have had to parent through with our three olders. 
When birthdays are forgotten it is sad for them but even more so as a parent to watch your child feel the sorrow too. Life is Hard.  Emotions are Hard. High Expectations for others is Hard. 


This was my nursing buddy and Nephi behind him. I sat down next to him in the aquarium to nurse Cecily while Levi took the kids to pet the stingrays - he must not get much attention he was pretty excited to see us. 

Of course we had to see the dolphin show and whales and penguins....

 They had us surrounded. 

Crazy clear floor with sharks. 

Coral everywhere. 

Levi was trying to take our picture but we weren't corroborating. 

Fish Tunnels 

One day we will get to go to some museum and read all the things..... Someday. 

Tiny Jellyfish

Cabella's favorite - penguins

Photo by Nephi at the dolphin tank


She was in love with all of it.
PS - She is beautiful. 

A stranger asked to take our picture while Levi and Bella were getting snacks. 

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