Tuesday, November 5, 2019


On Sunday, Levi had a priesthood meeting which I often pray that he will feel uplifted and enjoy his time with the other men of the church. We met him at church for sacrament meeting. 
Later that day....
He shared a few talks and how much he did enjoy it. He said a part that stood out to him was a talk on simplicity and how in the scriptures stories show how the Lord had help them to have more simplicity. When the Lord blessed the meat to be 'sweet' meaning it did not have to be cooked for a time during travels. 
That Evening...
Levi and I had put everyone to bed and were sitting down to eat and Levi was blessing the food and he also thanked Heavenly Father for the simplicity we have in our lives now. 
My favorite time with Levi is when we pray together and I get to hear all his deepest thoughts in prayer. 
With hands held and foreheads touching it is always magical. 
I love having a godly man in my house.  

When deciding to leave Arizona, we made a decision to consciously made a great effort to simplify our lives and it has been such a quiet blessing. After years of stress and our house growing louder and louder we needed a change. 
Levi took a simpler job, we bought a simpler home, continued to homeschool, limit outside the house activities, being financially free, etc. 

The amount of stress that has been removed from our house in making these small decisions has been so good for our whole household. Plus, no stuff or amount of money can compare to being about to dual parent at home. After years of long work weeks or never ending work weeks I am happy to have a spouse at home in the evening and on weekends.  

Our current goal is to focus on building Strong Family Culture within these walls. 

Best get back to mothering around here!

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