Monday, November 18, 2019

Yearly Deer Season

This weekend was opening deer season and Levi actually had to work on Saturday (which he may have been really grouchy about) - but we all got up early (because no one sleeps in anymore with the time change) and we spotted one from the front window and Levi ran out! 

We all watched from the kitchen table as Levi got one. 
I always try to watch with the binoculars to make sure to know where they run to but this one dropped so it was really easy. 

Then once he got home we all got our yearly anatomy lesson. 
It is amazing to me how kids are not grossed out or nervous as long as we don't have an adult over that makes a fuss. 

Then we butchered as a family today. We of course all tried to help Levi but this year Clairana and Nephi got to cut which was a huge help. Coraline and Bella did the grinder. 
Cecily ate all the snacks and we all attempted to keep her happy.

Two small casualties. 
Nephi from the grinder - trying to move along the process too fast and Coraline wanted to test out the knifes during break time. 
Lessons are always Learned. 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

You Who? Jankovic

Why You Matter and How To Deal With It. 
Rachel Jankovic 

**Long post mostly for my own reference and to share with my children one day.
Not meant to be controversial to anyone.  

I have not read much on philosophers but this book did open my eyes to different angles and nuances on existentialism, what they all have in common is this idea that existence precedes essence. 

The importance of you is entirely up to you. 
The real meaning in your life is only what you make it. BUT as you can see this belief system specifically rejects God the Father. 

Sartre says - "Even if He is real, He has nothing to do with all of this that's around us."

Existentialist thinking had pervaded our culture. 
You can be whatever you want to be. If you set your mind to it, you can be it. You are the only one who can decide what you are. 
You are a powerful woman if you want to be a powerful woman. Believe that you are beautiful and you will be beautiful. 

These are Sartre's ideas, no longer on the runway, but in the clearance bins of the big box store being purchased everywhere by women who feel needy. 

Sartre's had one bad trip on mescaline that left him thinking he was being followed by crabs (literally) for years. 

We are NOT the author of our life but rather the character. You cannot, as a character, out write the Author of you. 

He truly bought you with His blood, he did not do so in order to get a sponsorship position in your life. 

Bumper-stickers on the backside of our life and one of them is about Jesus but the others are "All about Essential Oils" "Show Poodles Forever" If our own little interests are the same size in our life as our Savior and our God, there are only two possibilities. One is that your Savior is becoming rather tiny - as insignificant as any other news about you. The other option is that fashion or show poodles or oils is rising to idolatrous levels in your life. 

  • Soft Teaching makes Hard Hearts and Hard Teaching makes Soft Hearts
  • Christians must learn to look beyond the surface and evaluate the belief at its core.
  • Regular Honest People buy unbelievably foolish philosophy, but they buy it toned down and in the clearance bins. We don't recognize it right away. 
  • We might be cheated out of an understanding of our purpose and the value of life if we listen to the smooth words. 
  • At the end of the day we aren't merely mortal, but eternal beings
  • We are hungry for meaning and our rational thoughts are not enough to satisfy us. 
  • Chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. 
  • Live for His glory and He will lift up your head. 
  • Obedience - Stepping stones for God's purposes.
  • We cannot be moved by little distractions like our own emotions
  • We have all the answers already because we have Christ. 
  • There is more here to find out than you can absorb in a lifetime. 
  • Stop thinking of our feelings as insights. Our feelings are instead something that we need to manage. 
  • Your feelings tell lies, deal with it. 
  • God gave Christ to you.
  • You aren't stuck you are going the wrong way!
  • Resurrection is not a happy ending only for Christ. 
  • You cannot have the death of Christ for your sins and then continue to live in them and value them. 

The fact that you still STRUGGLE with selfishness and sin and valuing your own will over obedience is not a sign that you have not been saved; it is a sign that you HAVE been SAVED. 

People who do something monumental for the kingdom usually do it because it was simply the next step in the path they had been walking along faithfully for some time. He who is faithful with a little will be faithful with much. 

*If I was to have told myself 10 years ago, Levi and I would have five children by 2018, I would have thought this was complete non sense but now look.... We didn't just wake up and have five children, but we simply took the next step in our path and here we are. 

You are no longer the author of your own identities, but rather you live in the Author and He lives in you. 

We don't have to set out to change the world. We set out to obey the Lord, and even the simplest actions can leave glorious marks of obedience forever. 

Did you Know....

Ignaz Semmelweis a Hungarian doctor in the 1840s, who first proposed that doctors washing their hands between dealing with cadavers and delivering babies would cut down on maternal deaths. At the time, everyone laughed at his theories.

Cadavers = Corpse. Dead Body. 

May I always remember to teach my children not only that Adolf Hitler took the lives of over 6 million Jews; but also HOW did this ONE man who was a rejected art student who dropped out of public school BRAINWASH such a large portion of this world into being behind his motive to do so.

“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Family Photos!

My Someday Sister In Law asked if she could photograph our family because she had never photographed a family with so many kids. She is transitioning from wedding photos to family photos. 
After sending her some pictures of us playing at the 'beach' she asked if she could switch to take our family photos at our house. 

So much more precious that it was in our favorite spot and our forever home. 
We live in the best place. It is so loved by all of us. 

Cecily Edithe

He is my Favorite. 

Coraline Lee

Clairana Colette

Cabella Lou

Huckleberry Finn and his girls....

Nephi & Coraline

The Littlest. Cecily

More to Come Soon but I don't want to spoil our Christmas Card. 
I always get so excited to send out cards to all our family and friends around the globe. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Aunt Woody - BirdHouse

Aunt Woody loves birdhouses so her birthday was coming up and we decided to make her one. 
It was a full family affair but it turned out perfect and now I want to make one for us too!
Levi of course is always the unique mastermind of our ideas.

Then the kids and I headed over to visit and give her our present before she headed off on a trip. 

Magical Granola.

I have found the most magical granola. I even learned how to brown butter - who knew that was a thing!?

Brown Butter Pecan Granola Recipe | Mel's Kitchen Cafe


Saturday, November 9, 2019

CC - Coraline

Abstract Art Lesson!
We also  painted but with 8 children painting there is no time for pictures! 
Coraline's Class at Classical Conversations - learning about Abstract Art and Listening to our memory work while playing playdoh.  

I LOVE being in her class and getting to teach her just by herself. 
Plus this age is very crazy and pressure free - the age ranges from- 4-7. 

Plus getting a paycheck is always nice to spend on something extra. 
I got a new fancy printer coming soon! 

Around Life

Today, we are rotating from splitting wood and doing indoor chores - We have almost completed the tree in the backyard which has been a big task but we are prepared for winter now. 
Plus, Nephi has been so much help with the log splitter. 
Best get back out to help again just ran in to check on a sleeping Cecily and thought I would upload a few pictures. 

New Hat for Winter - Adjusting to wearing hats again!
Quick Read -
A boy who loses his mother and works through death along side his father.
Tiger. Hotel Life. A Girl. Tears.

On our way to homeschool gym - new sweaters and hats from Mamaw and Papaw!
Early Useful Christmas Presents!

She is on the move at homeschool gym now. I love that they have a space for littles to play as well. 

Lyla and Cecily 

Coraline ran up and said "OK I am ready for the day"
Sunglasses on little people are so cute.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


On Sunday, Levi had a priesthood meeting which I often pray that he will feel uplifted and enjoy his time with the other men of the church. We met him at church for sacrament meeting. 
Later that day....
He shared a few talks and how much he did enjoy it. He said a part that stood out to him was a talk on simplicity and how in the scriptures stories show how the Lord had help them to have more simplicity. When the Lord blessed the meat to be 'sweet' meaning it did not have to be cooked for a time during travels. 
That Evening...
Levi and I had put everyone to bed and were sitting down to eat and Levi was blessing the food and he also thanked Heavenly Father for the simplicity we have in our lives now. 
My favorite time with Levi is when we pray together and I get to hear all his deepest thoughts in prayer. 
With hands held and foreheads touching it is always magical. 
I love having a godly man in my house.  

When deciding to leave Arizona, we made a decision to consciously made a great effort to simplify our lives and it has been such a quiet blessing. After years of stress and our house growing louder and louder we needed a change. 
Levi took a simpler job, we bought a simpler home, continued to homeschool, limit outside the house activities, being financially free, etc. 

The amount of stress that has been removed from our house in making these small decisions has been so good for our whole household. Plus, no stuff or amount of money can compare to being about to dual parent at home. After years of long work weeks or never ending work weeks I am happy to have a spouse at home in the evening and on weekends.  

Our current goal is to focus on building Strong Family Culture within these walls. 

Best get back to mothering around here!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Shedds Aquarium!

We headed to Chicago to the Shedd's aquarium to celebrate Cecily's FIRST birthday with an adventure. 

Levi's grandparents also came over this week before they left for Florida and we did Christmas with them - which worked out perfectly because everyone had new sweaters and hats to wear and the kids got to spend their money they got at the aquarium. 

We got to touch starfish and stingrays! 

They also have a day in the life of a trainer which would be a pretty AMAZING gift someday. 

For the past few birthdays in our house Levi and I have chosen to spend the money on an family adventure/memory rather than hosting a party. Especially because we have some amazing family that always remember and always bring gifts over for the littles.

Birthdays are so important to little people and it means so much that they are remembered by loved ones. This also has been a disappointing scene that we have had to parent through with our three olders. 
When birthdays are forgotten it is sad for them but even more so as a parent to watch your child feel the sorrow too. Life is Hard.  Emotions are Hard. High Expectations for others is Hard. 


This was my nursing buddy and Nephi behind him. I sat down next to him in the aquarium to nurse Cecily while Levi took the kids to pet the stingrays - he must not get much attention he was pretty excited to see us. 

Of course we had to see the dolphin show and whales and penguins....

 They had us surrounded. 

Crazy clear floor with sharks. 

Coral everywhere. 

Levi was trying to take our picture but we weren't corroborating. 

Fish Tunnels 

One day we will get to go to some museum and read all the things..... Someday. 

Tiny Jellyfish

Cabella's favorite - penguins

Photo by Nephi at the dolphin tank


She was in love with all of it.
PS - She is beautiful. 

A stranger asked to take our picture while Levi and Bella were getting snacks. 

Farm Call

I was called by our sweet friends down the road to see if I had any advice on their mama that was in labor but the babies (what we thought w...