Saturday, September 14, 2019

Wabash Water Sampling Event

Levi organized us a field trip for Friday afternoon -
We spent a couple hours taking samples from different locations of the Wabash River and testing it for E Coli, Ph levels, Temperature, Clarity, Nitrates, etc. 

Levi's company even let him know they would pay for his afternoon away with us because they encouraged the event. GREAT! 

We had four locations in the county which worked out perfectly so each child got to be in charge of one location. 

It was a great teaching time as well to understand how important it was to take these test and what they do with the data we collected. 

When we finished they treated us to snacks. 

  I don't know if any other families ended up doing it because everyone kept asking if they could have permission to take our photos. 

At the end, they had large maps that you got to color which spots you tested. 


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