Saturday, September 14, 2019

Grave Site Painting / Decorating

With the season changing the kids have been asking to go decorate for the new season at the grave yard. So we made a trip to the store for them to pick out whatever they would like to use for decorating and spent the afternoon walking around looking at headstones and talking about life after this one. 

Clairana said to the clerk at the store " We are going to decorate our Oma's grave site with all these beautiful things" the lady then proceeded to tell her she had never heard of that before and it must be was awkward and Clairana said she felt embarrassed but I ended up telling the lady... Nope, that is what we were doing and they are all comfortable acknowledging death. 

My grandmother (Oma) shares her grave site with her husband and her daughter. I try to tell a story about each one of them every time we go. Especially because they didn't know my Aunt or Grandpa. 

We will head back before winter to change out the decorations again. 

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