Friday, September 6, 2019

Alabama - Gulf Shores

The place that Nick and Emily have stayed at before was great - it was right on the beach and had a splash pad and pool. Such a great location!

We played in the water all day long.
Ate raw oysters twice at the restaurant right below our condo, bought fresh fish from the local market, bought too many hermit crabs that now are housed in Indiana, went crab hunting at night with flashlighst - FREAKY and FUN, Pier trip with messages,went to an AMAZING ice cream place to celebrate Ensley's birthday, and lots and lots of sand....and jellyfish everywhere. 


Crab Hunting then found AMAZING sand sculptures!


She was in complete ahhh of the ocean. We even saw dolphins a couple times. 

CABLE? TV? What is this?
Side Note - Wow. I am glad we don't live in a condo with our crew. We all desperately missed being about to go outside quickly and explore freely (we were on the 14th floor) 

Aunt Ashli sent us a VACATION SURPRISE! The kids got Message in a Bottle kits - SO CUTE.
Everyone was SO excited to do it....Levi and I were just hoping we didn't get fined for littering.....
We had to set a timer for C or she would have wrote to her unknown pen pal everything. 

Of course I used it as a teaching moment and it came with this great resource!

Then we headed to the Pier to throw them off!




Bottle Drop!

It makes my heart happy when Levi takes random pictures of me with the kids. I want them to remember what I looked like too during all these adventures!

Mostly, with a baby on my hip, rocking a fanny pack, and coasting a toddler to come along...

We may have made them feel uncomfortable but we were all so interested to watch how fast they filet the fish. 

Coraline loved this poster and asked for her picture with it. Fisherwoman .... maybe?

Awwwhh Bella Lou!!!

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