Monday, September 9, 2019

Cecily Check Up Time

These are her 9 month stats but I am just now catching up with life. 

16 lbs 2.9 oz (16th percentile)
28.5" Height (78th percentile)

Two weeks of crawling and now she is pulling herself up on everything and everybody. 
I don't imagine it will be long before she is walking. 
She is still getting up at night to nurse and takes a pacifier sometimes at night or in the car.
She chokes on just about anything not baby food but she insist on eating what Levi eats at dinner. 
She does like scrambled eggs which is SO nice. 

She is growing and healthy - she has two continual issues that we are still working on addressing but we were told to wait and see so that is where we are now.

She is the smiliest baby we have ever had but I will say last week she went to nursery at CC and was not a fan of being away from me. 
Hopefully, she will get better for everyone's sake. 
It is once a week for a couple hours. 
So different than when I worked full time and had to drop my babies off at daycare/preschool. 
Although Clairana and Nephi didn't do really well away from me either. 
I am pretty sure Clair and I cried almost every morning together. 

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