Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Raccoon Lake

We met our great friends at Raccoon Lake - they camped and well we have five kids so I don't see camping in my direct future but..... 
We met them early in the morning to spend the day renting a pontoon boat. 
It was great. The weather started off cool but ended perfectly and the kids all enjoyed being on the tubes. Levi took a day off work so the lake was all ours. 
Elliot switched to being the Stay at Home Dad this year and his wife Maggie switched to part time.

Levi was in charge of blog photos - because well kids and water and cameras don't mix.
Cabella, Coraline and Cecily 

Coraline, Clairana, and Maddie 

Who knows...? 

Maggie and I am pretty sure that is me hanging off the back of the boat. 


Ms. Coraline
She did great in her jacket and rode the tube without Levi or I.

Elliot with Lewis
Nephi and Coraline

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