Thursday, March 21, 2019

Deer Visit

I forgot to post about this doe that came to visit us for a couple days. 
I want the kids to remember this story because she brought us so much joy and sadness. 

One morning, she came wandering in our yard and we stayed peeled to the window all day long watching her and not going out just so she would stay close.
Then she laid down and slept by our pond all night.
Then she was roaming around the house the following day as well. 

It sounds silly but having her so close was magical. 
We homeschooled by the window just to keep a watch on her. 
She ended up passing away one night at the top of our pond which ended up being a great lesson for all of us. 
I reminded the kids how special it was that she came to our house to rest and pass away and that we got to see her. 

We of course were all hoping she came to our pond to have babies but that didn't happen...Clairana of course had to name her - Rose. 

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