Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Around the House....

Random photo while waiting on dad to get in the truck to leave....

We went to the Lafayette Symphony Orchestra to see the Lollipop Concert - CARNIVAL 2 by Peter White
Grandpa & Grandma Brigham joined us! 
We study the orchestra each year with our Classical Conversations coop and this fits perfectly with our lessons.

Volcanoe Birthday Card Making

Sometimes especially after having a baby I get slightly grouchy and upset with myself about not reading or learning enough. So, I was feeling the February blues about it and decided to stack up my books to show myself what all I have read during the month.

Reading does not always come because of pure pleasure it is a healthy habit I have to work on like exercising.
I always love feeling the accomplishment of learning something new or enjoying a story...sometimes it just takes a little push from myself.

I have five kids I get it when people say I don't have time to read but you really do. You just have to want to .... or make yourself jump in.

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