Thursday, March 7, 2019

Book Sale!

Book Sale at the Local Library!

This is an evening I look forward to for months. I get to go stand in line with other crazy book lovers and buy books from the library for dirt cheap.

It is like opening day of hunting season for book lovers.

Afterwards, I got to go out for late night tea with two homeschooling mamas that I just adore.


Did you know you can get kicked out of a coffee shop?

Better yet, did you know that sometimes you can't hear them announce that they are closing so they play the song Closing Time REALLY LOUD...and your girlfriend just says well that is rude, I wonder why the music just got so loud...?!

The next morning is like Christmas for the kids. They get up and dive into all the goodies!

Not pictured my new book cart Levi bought me just in time for the sale! Turn Love.

1 comment:

  1. I totally wrote a post about the book sale too!! :) I'll have to send you another blog invite...


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