Saturday, March 30, 2019

Bathroom Remodel - Winter Project Complete!

Our winter project was completed a few weeks ago and we are REALLY enjoying it. 

Levi (mostly) and I have remodeled several bathrooms in our married life which mostly means I just know what he needs and how to be a good assistant like scrubbing grout and washing out sponges. 

I will say it is also so nice to know each-other's style and that I can say 'you pick' it will be perfect when it comes to buying things. 

We have longed for a bath tub since we left Arizona -having littles, being pregnant, slow winter days, and being sick all calls for time in the tub. 

Also, carpet with a bathroom with children is really not the best. 
We honestly very seldom used this bathroom, it has been nice that now it is our favorite place in the house. 

We are hopefully going to do a kitchen remodel next winter - we shall see! 

It feels so nice to have a forever home and know that the projects you work on you will be able to enjoy for a long time.


We were ALL SO excited when we got the bath in!



The Little Girls! Cecily is getting big so fast. Everyone wants to be with her all the time.

Who knows...? Being Silly.

Everyone wants me to read to them while they are in the bath as their daily special time. 
No pictures of Clairana in the tub but let me tell you she enjoys it....for long periods of time. Alone. 

I wasn't feeling well the other night after dinner and Levi told the kids that I was going to rest in the bath while they got ready for bed and he would read to them.  
It was so very sweet they all came up to check on me and help me get the things I needed for my bath. They brought me a glass of water, my current reading book, magnesium salts...etc...made me think we must be doing something right for them to recognize and show love towards me. 

** It didn't end up being anything thankfully but I do try to watch my body these days and rest up when I feel something coming on because I can't afford to be down and out!

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