Thursday, March 21, 2019

Cecily Edithe Evans - 4 Month Check-Up

She has found her fingers, toes, and likes to try and pull all the kids hands to her mouth to eat them!
Enjoys little toys now. She rolls over but not very often - mostly because she is held or carried everywhere which she really likes.
I believe she is my SLOWEST nurser and enjoys taking her time to eat. 
Coraline and Nephi are definitely the most in love with her.
Although Clairana loves to change her diapers and her clothes.

This is the first time we have had a baby in the house that others are taking a real interest in helping. 
It can be super helpful and also makes me have even more patience to help them understand and learn how to properly tend her. 

We haven't started food just yet, I am sure it will be an exciting time for all the kids to share in with her. 
I am slightly nervous that once I break the food barrier they will all want to feed her constantly. 

Weight - 11 lbs 11 oz (4th percentile)
Height - 25" (60th percentile)
BMI -  13.20 (less than 1 percentile)

Tiny but Strong. 
No Hip Issues 
Which is completely different from the hip dysplasia statistics on girl siblings.

She holds her head up and can stand up and does have 'great lungs.' 

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