Saturday, September 22, 2018

Soccer Saturdays!

It has been so fun to have soccer back home again in Indiana - mostly because the kids think its great to not only just see Levi and I on the sidelines but other family members too. 
My girlfriend, Brandy, it wasn't really this cold....
We will see how she does when we play in November!
Also, I get to chat it up with lots of friends too! 

We also had Bonnie who was our great friend from Washington who was coming back from her cross country trip and happened to join us for Coraline's birthday and soccer - which it was super hot last weekend and this weekend was much cooler
(two weekends of pictures.) 

Ms. Bonnie & Coraline

Coraline's 1st Year!

I must say it is SO fun to watch Clairana's team play - soccer is getting real! 

Then there is this one...Levi is his coach and he is always full of smiles and now has switched to wearing pink shoes.
Reminds me of my brother Nick. 

This little person DRIVES ME CRAZY on Saturdays. She runs everywhere and makes it so hard to even watch a full game. Oh the toddler years.... Plus she is potty training so I am in the bathroom with her every 20 minutes or so. 

Coraline & Jaxsen - Teammates

Mamaw & Papaw at every game! It is so nice to have them so that everyone has someone watching them play. Clairana & Coraline play at the same time and it is always a long trek to either field. 

Grandma and partial Grandpa with Coraline - they always do a great job of coming to see the kiddos. 
Nephi playing with his buddy,Jace,while the little ones Cora and Jaxsen play soccer. 

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