Monday, September 10, 2018

Saying Goodbye to the Baby Goats

We said goodbye to our two little was much sadder than I expected it to be - even for me. 
It was so fun to be able to experience the whole process with the kids and I am sure we will continue to do it year after year - especially as the kids get older and can help more. 

They were sold together to a family that will show them next year at 4-H. 
I have been milking the mamas but with our new addition coming, I am not going to continue this time around. 

I am thinking about getting one Nubian to milk instead next year- mostly because they are actual size milk goats and the time to milk them is only a few minutes a day where as our girls are a little more difficult. 

But they do make beautiful registered babies that pay for their keep and a mini vacation so it is all worth while. 

Plus telling the kids we could go stay overnight at Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate helped make it go over a little better. 

Clairana could not even fake it...her and I were in tears. 

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