Friday, September 7, 2018

Book Club - Detectives in Togas

This month for book club we read Detectives in Togas.

It is a book about 7 schoolboys living in Rome and having to solve a mystery. 
Someone wrote Caius is a Dumbell on the temple wall. 

It was a little advanced for the kids but it was good for them to be able to understand what a book about solving a mystery means and how to put all the details together. 

Here is our Current Rundown of books we have read for book club... 
I am so glad I got this started and have had a really good turnout. 

Rise & Fall of Mount Majestic
Little Pear 
Kildee House
Thornton Burgess Animal Stories 
Henry and the Chalk Dragon
Detectives in Togas
Happy Times in Noisy Village

Clairana with Emma 

Everyone loves the tree house bucket

Not everyone but lots of them! 

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