Saturday, September 22, 2018

Coraline is FOUR!!

We had a party at our house for Coraline's big day!
Crazy that she is FOUR. Although this is my favorite age, still small enough to be little but we survived the rough toddler stages.
She is no longer known as Beastie in our house...
She is so sweet and cuddly now which seems so different.

Favorite Color - Pink
Favorite Animal - Horse
Favorite thing to do - Play outside and jump on the Trampoline
Favorite drink - Milk (this child still wakes me up almost every night to have a cup of milk and then go back to bed)
Favorite Food - Spaghetti and Meatballs
Favorite Treat - Long John Donuts (she has moved on from the sprinkle donuts now)

After her party we took her out as a family on the day of her birthday -
movie, dinner out & ice cream!

Bell Family from AZ sent jammies and a book with of course a kitty cat which she ALWAYS ask us for.....

I have to show off my one room school house feel - I have not pushed her to do any homeschooling with us besides listening to my read alouds and our morning devotionals. I really feel that preschool age should  just be enjoying play and crafts.
She got a new school book this year from her great Aunt and I looked over this week and she said "Yep I did my Bs"
I guess so lady! AWESOME! 

Levi's FAMOUS Lava Cake!
He was so excited to make her this cake - I see a tradition coming. It was SO good and Coraline loved it!
Picture with the only brother!



Of course gator rides for the party!

Cousin Mike with the girls!

My dad, Troy, stopped by with goodies on Coraline's birthday.
The kids love when he surprises them and I swear he buys the biggest bags of candy they make!

Levi took off work early so we could go to the movie - Christopher Robin 
We had the theater to ourselves which was awesome. Homeschooling Win. 

Cold Stone Creamery! ICE-CREAM AMAZINGNESS! 

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