Friday, September 28, 2018

Terry-Smith Family

I have had Brandy Terry now Smith as my girlfriend since 3rd grade. Its crazy to think seems now Clairana is that age! This past week, her grandmother passed away and I was able to go to her showing. I never met her husband (Brandy's grandfather) but neither did she...he passed away before we were born. It is so amazing how strong women are when they lose their spouse and still live on for years and years. Levi has this same situation on his side as well.

This is Brandy's number three (Jagger) and her mom Beth.

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Annie Ruth Terry, 84, of Lafayette, passed away surrounded by her family on Saturday, September 1, 2018....

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Homeschooling/CC Life

We tried out a new curriculum this year - Good & Beautiful. It is great. Combines many subjects together and has reading that is pure and classic. Clairana and I started it over the summer together mostly because we were excited to try it out .... but I was also nervous about how our schedule would look once the new addition arrived.
Well, I am happy to report that Clairana has already finished the books that come along with the curriculum.
I guess we will move on to 4th grade reading/literature now. 

She LOVES our little farm. I should nickname her Fern. 

Nephi during his CC class - each week they do a presentation. He showed his class how to make paper airplanes. 

Another presentation from this week - he showed how to do electrical work. Thread a wire and hook something up.
The kids were amazed. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Number FIVE!

We have one month left! She is giving us a little trouble - she keeps turning breech which I wasn't too concerned about until neither of the hospitals here will delivery a breech birth so I would have to have a cesarean. 

Midwife and Chiropractor appointments twice a week now....
Stay Tuned....

Also, no official C names yet. Levi is still sticking with his favorite Catrina. 
I have a few but I am not set on anything just yet - her middle name will be Gertrude after Oma (my mom's mother.) 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Coraline is FOUR!!

We had a party at our house for Coraline's big day!
Crazy that she is FOUR. Although this is my favorite age, still small enough to be little but we survived the rough toddler stages.
She is no longer known as Beastie in our house...
She is so sweet and cuddly now which seems so different.

Favorite Color - Pink
Favorite Animal - Horse
Favorite thing to do - Play outside and jump on the Trampoline
Favorite drink - Milk (this child still wakes me up almost every night to have a cup of milk and then go back to bed)
Favorite Food - Spaghetti and Meatballs
Favorite Treat - Long John Donuts (she has moved on from the sprinkle donuts now)

After her party we took her out as a family on the day of her birthday -
movie, dinner out & ice cream!

Bell Family from AZ sent jammies and a book with of course a kitty cat which she ALWAYS ask us for.....

I have to show off my one room school house feel - I have not pushed her to do any homeschooling with us besides listening to my read alouds and our morning devotionals. I really feel that preschool age should  just be enjoying play and crafts.
She got a new school book this year from her great Aunt and I looked over this week and she said "Yep I did my Bs"
I guess so lady! AWESOME! 

Levi's FAMOUS Lava Cake!
He was so excited to make her this cake - I see a tradition coming. It was SO good and Coraline loved it!
Picture with the only brother!



Of course gator rides for the party!

Cousin Mike with the girls!

My dad, Troy, stopped by with goodies on Coraline's birthday.
The kids love when he surprises them and I swear he buys the biggest bags of candy they make!

Levi took off work early so we could go to the movie - Christopher Robin 
We had the theater to ourselves which was awesome. Homeschooling Win. 

Cold Stone Creamery! ICE-CREAM AMAZINGNESS! 

Soccer Saturdays!

It has been so fun to have soccer back home again in Indiana - mostly because the kids think its great to not only just see Levi and I on the sidelines but other family members too. 
My girlfriend, Brandy, it wasn't really this cold....
We will see how she does when we play in November!
Also, I get to chat it up with lots of friends too! 

We also had Bonnie who was our great friend from Washington who was coming back from her cross country trip and happened to join us for Coraline's birthday and soccer - which it was super hot last weekend and this weekend was much cooler
(two weekends of pictures.) 

Ms. Bonnie & Coraline

Coraline's 1st Year!

I must say it is SO fun to watch Clairana's team play - soccer is getting real! 

Then there is this one...Levi is his coach and he is always full of smiles and now has switched to wearing pink shoes.
Reminds me of my brother Nick. 

This little person DRIVES ME CRAZY on Saturdays. She runs everywhere and makes it so hard to even watch a full game. Oh the toddler years.... Plus she is potty training so I am in the bathroom with her every 20 minutes or so. 

Coraline & Jaxsen - Teammates

Mamaw & Papaw at every game! It is so nice to have them so that everyone has someone watching them play. Clairana & Coraline play at the same time and it is always a long trek to either field. 

Grandma and partial Grandpa with Coraline - they always do a great job of coming to see the kiddos. 
Nephi playing with his buddy,Jace,while the little ones Cora and Jaxsen play soccer. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

J&J CreekSide Coming Soon!

The wedding venue is coming to light! We keep moving right along on this journey. We were supposed to go to the county for approval this month but it has since been pushed back till October. 
So much paperwork and approvals. 
We did get a drawing with similar colors so we were very excited to see it on paper. 
We have spent many nights designing this building. 

 I also came up with the logo this past month and have started using it on our social media pages. 

I created our website

We have had several calls from brides but at this time we are waiting for all our approvals to be processed before we say yes to anyone. Our goal is to be ready for next summer. 

Goal this month is to finish up our business plan. 

I love our name - we pondered lots of ways to incorporate Jack and Jane and the Evans family into the name and this one seemed to fit perfectly. 

** From our Web-page....

Why the Name J&J?

Levi & Danielle were graciously able to get married at their favorite spot several years ago, thanks to two people - Jack & Jane.

Jack & Jane are Levi's grandparents who once farmed this land but since have sold us a portion of the farm to allow our DREAMS to come TRUE.

We have lived all over the United States and have found that this has always been our favorite place - it was our first date, rehearsal dinner, reception, wedding and now our home.

Making Bread

This weekend soccer was cancelled again because of the weather
so we spent lots of time using my new sourdough starter and teaching the kids to make bread. 

Our first round we only made two loafs and learned really quick that everyone wants their own to knead so we did four loafs the second time around. 

Saying Goodbye to the Baby Goats

We said goodbye to our two little was much sadder than I expected it to be - even for me. 
It was so fun to be able to experience the whole process with the kids and I am sure we will continue to do it year after year - especially as the kids get older and can help more. 

They were sold together to a family that will show them next year at 4-H. 
I have been milking the mamas but with our new addition coming, I am not going to continue this time around. 

I am thinking about getting one Nubian to milk instead next year- mostly because they are actual size milk goats and the time to milk them is only a few minutes a day where as our girls are a little more difficult. 

But they do make beautiful registered babies that pay for their keep and a mini vacation so it is all worth while. 

Plus telling the kids we could go stay overnight at Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate helped make it go over a little better. 

Clairana could not even fake it...her and I were in tears. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Book Club - Detectives in Togas

This month for book club we read Detectives in Togas.

It is a book about 7 schoolboys living in Rome and having to solve a mystery. 
Someone wrote Caius is a Dumbell on the temple wall. 

It was a little advanced for the kids but it was good for them to be able to understand what a book about solving a mystery means and how to put all the details together. 

Here is our Current Rundown of books we have read for book club... 
I am so glad I got this started and have had a really good turnout. 

Rise & Fall of Mount Majestic
Little Pear 
Kildee House
Thornton Burgess Animal Stories 
Henry and the Chalk Dragon
Detectives in Togas
Happy Times in Noisy Village

Clairana with Emma 

Everyone loves the tree house bucket

Not everyone but lots of them!