Friday, May 31, 2024

Kentucky Derby!

End of Year Trip! We went to the Kentucky Derby! It was great and we made loads of memories. One family ended up not being able to make it as their toddler got sick on the drive down but other than that we had a pretty great turnout considering summer is so busy! 

The PGA tournament was happening at the same time so hotel prices were crazy! We ended up driving an hour north to stay the night which made the drive home even better. Dinner at Applebee's with a million children was fun too. Lots of people commenting on our group.

Lotte still struggles with coughing and not breathing well in the car seat so it was good test run for when I take the kids to Pennsylvania in another month. 

 Hotel Life.

 We all were together on the track tour and then for the museum tour we ended up split up due to toddlers and people who are actually able to stop and read.....maybe one day I will be in that group. 

 Pizza Afterwards Downtown

We were amazed at all the people and horses that actually stay at the track year round. 


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