Thursday, March 30, 2023

BE has launched!

Life has been a little crazy these past two weeks but we are getting settled. 

We worked many hours on a proposal for West Lafayette construction and Levi won the bid! After sitting at the computer for days and trying to be as fancy as the big wig companies it was so rewarding. We were at the highest point of excitement knowing this could be the big jumping off point for BE. Levi was awarded the job a week later in front of the city board. They let him know he had saved the city over 300k and were thrilled to have Levi. Even offered him a job just with the city. Which was so kind but he is ready to work for himself. 

Then we started being harassed, bullied and threatened daily…all day really by two large firms. Levi has since put in his resignation at TBird which turned into being fired a day later….so much drama of jealousy. Which hopefully we look back at this and say it was the best push. 

Thankfully with help from a few last minute people we are getting organized and ready for a new start. 

Of course the day afterwards, I am sitting in Indianapolis with everyone at the dental office while Levi scrambles to get everything ready to go. 

Hopefully, by this time next month we will just be excited and celebrating again. And praying hard we don’t have to pay any attorney fees. 

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