Friday, March 31, 2023
Book Club! Little Britches
Little Britches is an autobiographical account of Ralph Moody's early life in the vicinity of Littleton, Colorado. One valued lesson passed on by Moody is the importance of water rights and the profound challenges these can have in a community.
Trying Birch Beer! I ordered it online from Pennsylvania. It taste similar to Root Beer. It is made from birch saplings.
CiRCE Conference
I took off for the weekend with Alyssa and Millie to a Circe Conference in Ohio. It was lovely.
Full of lots of things to learn and ways to grow. Heavy talks. Great food.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
BE has launched!
Life has been a little crazy these past two weeks but we are getting settled.
We worked many hours on a proposal for West Lafayette construction and Levi won the bid! After sitting at the computer for days and trying to be as fancy as the big wig companies it was so rewarding. We were at the highest point of excitement knowing this could be the big jumping off point for BE. Levi was awarded the job a week later in front of the city board. They let him know he had saved the city over 300k and were thrilled to have Levi. Even offered him a job just with the city. Which was so kind but he is ready to work for himself.
Then we started being harassed, bullied and threatened daily…all day really by two large firms. Levi has since put in his resignation at TBird which turned into being fired a day later….so much drama of jealousy. Which hopefully we look back at this and say it was the best push.
Thankfully with help from a few last minute people we are getting organized and ready for a new start.
Of course the day afterwards, I am sitting in Indianapolis with everyone at the dental office while Levi scrambles to get everything ready to go.
Hopefully, by this time next month we will just be excited and celebrating again. And praying hard we don’t have to pay any attorney fees.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Phone Take Over
The Cake Bake Shop
Coraline and I were invited to a FANCY birthday party.
We have been planning this for months because the reservations are crazy!
Little Lydia turned 8 and wanted to go to The Cake Bake Shop in Indianapolis for dinner.
Coraline and I decided that for Lydia's birthday gift we would buy matching dresses for the other two little girls that were going. It was a big surprise and they loved all matching. I may have said a white lie and told people they were triplets which they thought was the absolute best.
It was SO fancy and such a fun night FULL of GLITTER.
Glitter on the food
Glitter in the tea with edible flowers
Glitter on your head
This was on our walk to view the desserts....
Off to Florida!
Everyone has on BE Represented neon shirts - made finding people super easy. Lots of people commented on my genius idea.
We went to the Indiana State Museum with co-op and Aunt Woody came with us too! We had a great time and some of the exhibits had changed fr...
Sunday was SUPER busy. We started in the weee hours of the morning seeing that the leprechaun had invaded our house with art, toilet papered...
We are in the final stretch of co-op for the year! It is crazy how fast this year has gone. This is a catch up of a couple weeks. Learning ...