Saturday, November 27, 2021


Thanksgiving Time! 
We hosted again this year and it was a great time. 
The Ashby family got the stomach bug so we missed them but we did have an extra surprise - my cousin Tori came into town from Colorado. It was so fun catching up with her. 

We changed up the time this year and did Thanksgiving dinner at 5:00 instead of a lunch time and I think it will stick. I LOVED not waking up before dawn to put the turkey in. 
Levi woke up and went hunting and the kids and I did chores and relaxed beforehand. 
We stayed up way past bedtimes and talked into the wee hours.
At one point, Cecily came and gave me a hug in the kitchen and put herself to bed. 

Madi & Abbi with the kiddos!

Tori joined in!

Levi and Grandpa with Cecily

 Fancy Bread - shaped like a turkey.

We played Pie Face. Everyone got hit at least once except for Aunt Angie. 

 Part of the Party

 We also played - Would you Rather which was a really fun way to get to know each other even better. 

Uncle Tanner. 

I sent this to Levi mid day because I thought it was so sweet. 


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