Monday, November 22, 2021

Indianapolis Zoo

Most of these photos I didn't take but I am thankful to mamas who send them to me! 
Indianapolis zoo during chilly weather is always my favorite. 
I will take hats and coats over crowds any day!

Millie with the little girls! Coraline, Lyla, and Bella.

Dolphin Show! Cecily LOVED it and bounced the whole time. 

They had one male trainer who I thought must just love his job he was full of energy. 

This was how lunch went. She was crazy all day. 

Touch Pool!

Part of the Crew!

Best. Buddies. Bella & Lyla

Brother Chadbourne helping Bella not fall into the pool.

These goofs made me take their picture in the bathroom.

We took up all the chairs in the cafe and even half of us sat outside for lunch. 

This was our last picture of the day and I would guess we almost had the whole zoo to ourselves by this time. 

Being Silly.


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