Tuesday, November 30, 2021

4 Wheel Life

Girls playing with dad while I was away studying.

Nephi with his buddy Jeremy.


Monday, November 29, 2021

Campsite Fun

When Levi got home from Arizona the weather was beautiful - we had had several days of cold and rain while he was away so we decided to clean up the campsite and have lunch down there a few days in a row. Levi was quarantined from the rest of the world so this was a perfect activity to keep us all active at home and help clear our minds from the heavy weeks before. 



Saturday, November 27, 2021

Adventures With Waffles


We read Adventures with Waffles and it is SO good. Laugh Out Loud Funny. 
Another bonus was that it talked about Christ and how important dads are 
(which rarely happens in newer published books)
Of course the day after Thanksgiving we had everyone over for waffles. 
It was such a fun tag onto hosting the night before. 
I didn't take any of these pictures but I thankful other mamas did. 
So Much Fun. 

We did a craft but mostly it was just fun in the toy room and outside. 
The book had lots of silhouettes - we talked about how silhouettes came to be and then they could make one of a person or animal.  
French finance minister - Etienne de Silhouette. In America, Silhouettes were highly popular from 1790-1840. They were a cheaper alternative to paintings and the models would sit for a short amount of time. 


Hunting - Little Girls!

Levi took the little girls hunting! 
Pink Coats. Cat Follower. Tea. Lots of Talking.
They didn't catch anything - can you believe that!? 
Great Dad Memories.



Thanksgiving Time! 
We hosted again this year and it was a great time. 
The Ashby family got the stomach bug so we missed them but we did have an extra surprise - my cousin Tori came into town from Colorado. It was so fun catching up with her. 

We changed up the time this year and did Thanksgiving dinner at 5:00 instead of a lunch time and I think it will stick. I LOVED not waking up before dawn to put the turkey in. 
Levi woke up and went hunting and the kids and I did chores and relaxed beforehand. 
We stayed up way past bedtimes and talked into the wee hours.
At one point, Cecily came and gave me a hug in the kitchen and put herself to bed. 

Madi & Abbi with the kiddos!

Tori joined in!

Levi and Grandpa with Cecily

 Fancy Bread - shaped like a turkey.

We played Pie Face. Everyone got hit at least once except for Aunt Angie. 

 Part of the Party

 We also played - Would you Rather which was a really fun way to get to know each other even better. 

Uncle Tanner. 

I sent this to Levi mid day because I thought it was so sweet. 


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Sisters & Apples

Our friends gifted us a large bucket of apples so we made applesauce. 

Clairana & Cecily


Monday, November 22, 2021

Indianapolis Zoo

Most of these photos I didn't take but I am thankful to mamas who send them to me! 
Indianapolis zoo during chilly weather is always my favorite. 
I will take hats and coats over crowds any day!

Millie with the little girls! Coraline, Lyla, and Bella.

Dolphin Show! Cecily LOVED it and bounced the whole time. 

They had one male trainer who I thought must just love his job he was full of energy. 

This was how lunch went. She was crazy all day. 

Touch Pool!

Part of the Crew!

Best. Buddies. Bella & Lyla

Brother Chadbourne helping Bella not fall into the pool.

These goofs made me take their picture in the bathroom.

We took up all the chairs in the cafe and even half of us sat outside for lunch. 

This was our last picture of the day and I would guess we almost had the whole zoo to ourselves by this time. 

Being Silly.