Thursday, August 5, 2021

C & N Doctor Appt

 Last week, I took Clairana and Nephi to their yearly (really three year) check up. We have been blessed to not have a need to go with the exception of a dermatologist for Nephi but we had to go to stay on their books as a patient. 

So, I loaded everyone up and ended up they are growing perfectly fine. 

The staff tried to talk 'in code' about parts of growing up and it made me laugh because the nurse ended with saying I guess they already know everything and now I feel awkward. 

Nephi - 

60 lbs (23%)

Height 4'4.95 (36%)

Clairana - 

68 lbs (14%)

Height 4'9.87 (61%)

** Doctor nicely told Clairana she will pass me up in height by a few inches which she was thrilled about. 

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