Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Homeschooling Update

 We decided to switch our homeschooling path this upcoming year. 
We will no longer be part of the Classical Conversations coop in Lafayette.
 I won't go into detail of why here but if anyone would like to know Levi and I would be happy to discuss. 

We will be homeschooling with another group of families - some the same and some new. 
It has taken most of my free time this summer but it has been working out perfectly. 
I needed the push to move towards this direction and it is happening. 

Gather & Learn

28 weeks 
One day together and the rest of the week learning at home.

 August - April


Creating a homeschooling coop that is run by giving everyone a job and not any financial commitment besides basic supplies. Parents have to commit to being part of the journey. 
If they can't they cannot be part of the group.

Every parent has a job and we all work together to teach our children together - once a week. 

Knowing everything in the homeschooling world can be overwhelming and I feel not the best approach to teaching - this is set up that one parent can teach one subject every week for the year and if they are not comfortable one of the more confident moms can encourage/guide. 

Making this less stressful for the parent at home and the parent can become an expert in one area of their interest which in return shines to the children.

We will be using Claritas Publishing which is a 4 year cycle curriculum.

Pledge, Prayer, Announcements......

Memory Work 
Claritas Publishing 
(Hymn, Scripture, Latin, Science, History, Timeline, English Grammar, Math, Geography)

Art/ 5 Canons of Rhetoric - Presentations 
(switch every other week)

Science - Biology 
(will rotate yearly Biology, Astronomy/Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics)

Lunch/Play Time

Fundamental Grammar Claritas 

Greek & Latin Roots

Institute for Excellence in Writing 
Ancient History

I wanted to make sure and keep our numbers manageable the first year so I made the community solely on invitation only. Also, I know these mothers personally and their commitment. 

We will have five families (13 school age children and 3 nursery age children)

One of the mamas even made shirts for all of us to match for the new adventure!

Part of Institute for Excellence training to teach is a set of nine long classes. 
We jumped in over the summer to get a head start - three of us have already taken the classes but we all decided we will do it together for review and encouragement. 

Planning on my bed in between folding laundry and children request. 

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