Monday, May 24, 2021

NV Passenger LOVE

This past weekend we ran off to Chicago and bought an NV 12 Passenger! 
We have been looking for years and honestly once we decided to make the jump last year - there was not any available. We even went to order one online and it said at least 10 months until it would arrive. Seems crazy to want a vehicle and it not be available to buy. 
I guess with the pandemic so many people have gotten larger vehicles to travel in and they are not a vehicle that is traded in very often. We found one and although we weren't super excited it was white it is beautiful and new which means a full warranty which with our record we needed. 
Cheers to never needing a bigger vehicle ever! 

I have become fully confident in driving it after coming home in Chicago rush hour traffic. 
I texted my dad on the way home and said I was pretty much Super Woman now. 


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