Saturday, May 1, 2021

Adams Mill on the Wildcat

Adventure Group loaded up for a trip to Adams Mill on the Wildcat this past week for a tour and picnic lunch in spring weather!

The mill was slightly scary with a two year old running around - lots of holes in the floor and open windows but we did it. We had to divide up into three groups on each floor so our time together was limited but we played afterwards and had a picnic by the creek. 


Adventure Group! We have 5 families and 22 kids! 

Lauren - 5
Kelli - 4
Millie - 2 
Anne - 6
Danielle - 5

Coraline and Cabella

School Room



Lyla and Cecily


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New Adventure

Levi came home with this last week which as you can imagine everyone even Zona was excited to try it out. Now for warmer weather!