Friday, May 14, 2021

Conner Prairie

Went spent yesterday at Conner Prairie with Aunt Woody. I planned a trip with our homeschooling group KLASS which we have been part of for years but I went ahead and invited out CC group too. 
It was a little overwhelming at first with 7000 people there in the morning to pray for the end of Ramadan. 
Once that ended it was much easier to get around and after lunch we had the whole place to ourselves. 
We stayed all day and ended with a treat from Aunt Woody! 

Lyla and Bella

Soldiers! Including the tiny one!


Coraline & Mayley

Pottery House

Bella getting wore out from all the adventuring and decided to devour the chip crumbs while her siblings kept listening to the presentations. 

She is the only one I took so many pictures of because I had her and Cecily close to me the whole time and the olders are all starting to be too busy with lots of friends.

Ice Cream!

This girl has now taken over my socks, shoes, and hats. I love homeschooling her and getting to enjoy so much of life together. 

Woody caught a picture of me wrestling this little lady. I attempted to wear a bright color so everyone in the group could see me. Nephi said he liked it too so he could find me and still be with all his friends.


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