Monday, May 24, 2021

Around the House

Last Week.
We watched another family's littles so they could go to the temple.
Bought a Van.
Gator Ride.
Levi impaled his eye and passed out on us.
Thankfully, we have a close friend who is an optometrist and saw us late Sunday.
Dr. Strickler is wonderful.
We held book club. 
Ate Green Pancakes
Put up my Mother's Day present - swing!

Littlest bookclub member!

Green Pancakes - I bake them all in the oven at the same time then cut them out. I dislike flipping pancakes for thirty minutes.

Swing and plants! Now we are waiting on mulch in the garden.

 Found 4 leaf clovers!

Sunday - Oldest and Youngest!

4 Leaf Clovers!

Bookclub book. I can't say enough it is beautifully written and so good for adults and children. About a boy named Michael who is a Prince in Hungary who watches as his homeland is being taken over and run by invaders from Nazi Germany. He carries an acorn all the way from his castle home in Chestry Valley to Hudson Valley farm in the United States where he makes a new home after WW11. 

It was heavy and real. I read it to everyone, I always figure even my littles will pick some history up or hear beautiful literature. 

Coraline got mad this past week and yelled - AAWWH Hitler. I guess she must have understood more than I thought. 
History is important. Sad stories need to be told. 


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