Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Today, I am grateful for this journey to end. Levi started building Ripple and Company this time last year. Today, he passed the health department inspection and he has two final inspections tomorrow. 

This project has been hard. Hard because not only did Levi go into this with a company that has never built a new building and does not have the staff to support it. Levi was excited to give his all and honestly this isn't anything new to our roller coaster ride of his resume. 

But I will say this one was more emotional because of the pandemic that started in March. It was hard on our marriage especially in the beginning. We Fought. Which we had given up that part of our marriage so many years ago. 

I was a mess of anxiety that we would all get sick and I would have to tend five little sick kids alone or being sick myself without a spouse -  he has been exposed to so many people from all over. Levi was frustrated knowing he had to provide for our family and not lose his job during this time.  

I watched as almost all the families I knew had weeks upon weeks off with their husbands during this time and more that had husbands switch to working from home for months or permanently.  

Most all of the staff at Levi's company left the office and worked from home. 

To say I was jealous would be an understatement. 

We made it and the building is done and I hope to spend these holidays with a spouse that can be home and I am thankful for God for watching over us and keeping us all healthy during this time because honestly after hearing all the stories of exposure I am amazed we made it through. Yes, the virus is still here but I am praying our exposure will go down drastically now and we can all take a breath of fresh air. 

Cheers to the Holidays! 

Yes, we are hosting Thanksgiving (much smaller than normal) because honestly the exposure to the handful of relatives is important and far less than what children/teachers in school have been/are exposed to.

(thankfully we never had that journey/challenge)

 Also, if I am going to get this sickness at least it was from making memories and someone I cared about and not the person at the store or subcontractor on Levi's jobsite. 

Pandemics are emotional. You don't often understand others and their decisions.

Now hopefully everyone goes and eats at this new place so we can reap some benefits of this year!

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